The EL Programme focuses on honing pupils’ Writing skills. Students learn to write clear, organized, focused and entertaining compositions. The teacher provides meaningful feedback and students become better writers with each new piece of writing. Reading Comprehension and Comprehension Cloze lessons are taught to prepare pupils to excel in these two components for Paper 2. They also help to build writing competencies. Every lesson is a productive lesson.
Here at Thought and Words, all the materials are carefully designed to help students meet the demands of the new EL PSLE paper. Writing is one of the most challenging skills to master and the ability to write compositions effectively does not come naturally for most children. The aim of the programme is to teach children to generate vivid ideas and convey them through powerful words. At the same time, the programme helps children to love the language and learn it meaningfully. Here at Thought and Words, pupils are given clear and practical guide to writing well-structured and entertaining stories. Lessons are taught in a meaningful and fun way using strategies that the founder developed and refined over years of classroom teaching. Students learn to appreciate wit and humour created through the language. They get to read well-written, entertaining stories. This will motivate them to emulate the writing styles and tools used by good writers. We believe that if children are well-equipped to navigate the writing process, they will enjoy writing and excel in it.
Reading plays a major role in writing. Students learn to write better through reading. Through the reading lessons, the students will:
Understand the features of different text types;
Learn good language structures;
Appreciate literary devices used by expert writers and build a mature vocabulary;
Understand the importance of writing for a purpose and to an audience; and
Pick up good ideas that they can use in their own writing.
We want students to be able to transfer the learning acquired through reading to their writing. We want them to emulate good writing styles and techniques of other authors.
Rationale for Small Group Lesson
When pupils learn in a group, they get to share their ideas. Lessons are facilitated in a manner in which students feel safe and confident to speak and ask questions. This collective learning creates a vibrant learning environment.